首页> 新闻资讯> 活动创意资讯> 实时互动视频-跟踪油漆 《欧洲血汗工厂视频绘画》
实时互动视频-跟踪油漆 《欧洲血汗工厂视频绘画》

实时互动视频-跟踪油漆 《欧洲血汗工厂视频绘画》

新媒体艺术组合SWEATSHOPPE又名Blake Shaw和Bruno Levy从欧洲回来,他们在柏林、布里斯托尔、贝尔格莱德、伦敦和巴黎推出了一个新视频,展示了他们的实时互动视频Wheatplaste。在两周的时间里,两人将视频贴在了10多个地方,包括柏林墙、荣军院、科迪之家,甚至在布里斯托尔建造了一个5米高的伸缩式电子油漆辊,制作了一幅两层楼高的视频画。视频绘画是两人共同开发的一项技术,可以让他们产生一种错觉,即他们正在用自己制作的电子油漆辊在墙上画视频。它通过他们编写的定制软件工作,该软件跟踪油漆辊的位置,并将视频投影到他们选择的任何地方,使他们能够探索视频、标记制作和建筑之间的关系,并实时创建实时视频拼贴。

New media art duo SWEATSHOPPE aka Blake Shaw and Bruno Levy are back from Europe with a new video that showcases their live interactive video wheatpaste in Berlin, Bristol, Belgrade, London and Paris. Over a two week period the duo pasted their videos in over 10 spots including the Berlin Wall, Les Invalides, Cordy House and even constructed a 5 meter telescopic electronic paint roller to create a two-story tall video painting in Bristol. Video painting is a technology the duo developed that allows them to create the illusion that they are painting videos onto walls with electronic paint rollers they built. It works through custom software that they wrote that tracks the position of the paint rollers and projects video wherever they choose to paint, allowing them to explore the relationship between video, mark making and architecture and create live video collages in real time.
