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作者:董玥、徐敏 材料:2MM卡纸、LED小灯珠 Authors: Dong Yue, Xu Min Materials: 2MM paperboard, LED 标题:百鸟朝凤——中国传统纸雕艺术与AR增强现实结合的应用 Title:Song of the Phoenix——The application of Chinese traditional paper carving art and AR 创作概念:纸雕起源于中国汉代,选取传统的纸雕是为了发扬中国非遗物质文化遗产,在其发展过程中,技术和传统艺术的融合,使其得到了创新,再加上主题选自中国的传说故事——“百鸟朝凤”,孩童在参与当中,能够更好自主的接受中国文化。其次,立体纸雕灯美观,可以用做装饰品,最后,当纸雕与AR结合加大了互动体验感,主要依托于移动端的屏幕,观者通过点击屏幕中的鸟的模型,可以识别出不同鸟类的叫声,让观者有了极强的参与性,这种形式的主要受众群体——幼儿,有着极强的吸引力,从而在增加趣味的同时,也让他们学习到了不同种类的鸟声, 所以AR技术可在学前教育中发挥不可替代的作用。

 Creative concept::Paper carving originated in the han dynasty of China. The reason why we select the traditional paper carving is to carry forward the Chinese intangible material cultural heritage. In its development process, the integration of technology and traditional art has made it innovative, and the theme is selected from the Chinese legend story - " Song of the Phoenix". Meanwhile, children are involved in which makes them accept Chinese culture more automatically.Besides, three-dimensional paper carving light are beautiful and can be used as ornaments. Finally, it is an increase of interactive experience when paper combined with AR which mainly rely on the screen of mobile terminal. The viewer can recognize sound of different birds by clicking the model of birds on the screen which makes viewers have a strong sense of participation. This form of the main audience - children, has a strong attraction, thus as they add more fun they also learn by different kinds of birds. Therefore, AR technology can play an irreplaceable role in preschool education.
