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创造即游戏 | ALIENWARE新品发布会

创造即游戏 | ALIENWARE新品发布会





今天小编分享一个充满创造力的新品发布会,「创造即游戏」ALIENWARE m15/m17 新品发布,让想象力再飞一点。全场每一个区域都透露着创造的力量,下面让我们一起感受下吧

Today, I will share a creative new product launch conference, "Creation is a Game" ALIENWARE m15 / m17 new product release, let the imagination fly a little further.Every area of the audience reveals the power of creativity, let us feel it together



The channel is laid out with a naked-eye 3D screen, the constantly changing pictures of dots, lines and planes, the virtual landscape, and the mysterious unknown.



"Emotional Lumen", like an emotional amplifier, evolves the captured emotions of the audience into ambilight, and uses ring-shaped lights to display the emotional effects.


观众通过进入一个接近于游戏的虚拟世界,找到现场其他伙伴一起推动时间的齿轮,完成“时间拯救” ,亲手去打开新世界之门。这一个亲身实践的过程与主题“创造即游戏”不谋而合,观众获得娱乐趣味的同时,还能感受到参与推进游戏剧情的“创作体验”。

The audience enters a virtual world close to the game, finds the other partners on the scene to push the gear of time together, completes "time rescue", and opens the door of the new world by hand. This process of hands-on practice coincides with the theme of "creation as a game". While the audience gets entertaining fun, they can also feel the "creation experience" involved in advancing the game's plot.



This astronaut can really scare people, but I have to say that this alien face logo is quite creative, corresponding to the theme "Creation is a game".




