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《白·留72m³》  艺术视觉设计

《白·留72m³》 艺术视觉设计

     用四面白色的墙,构造一个立方空间。探索空间内在场者的行为,我设定是每面墙都可以用不同的交互行为去触发。但观众可以有多种属于自己的动作。然而你会用什么行为和这72立方空间进行对话?在空间之外无动于衷、站着疑惑、躺着冥想、抚摸白色、扶墙,拔腿离开?有什么行为可以证明你来过?空白:可以是一无所有,也可以是无数的可能。白色的墙上除了写上你的名字,你可以留下什么?而最后能证明你存在过的只有这72立方的动作。      Using four white walls to construct a 3-dimensional cubic space and exploring the behavior of the participant in the venue, I set up each wall with different interactions and the participant can trigger it with different methods. Moreover, the participant is able to trigger them with a variety of their own actions. However, what would you like to do to ineract with those white walls —— 72 empty cubic meters? You might probably be unemotional about it, standing there doubtfully, lying on the ground and having a meditation,touching the walls or even ignore those walls. What can be done to prove that you have been here? Blank space can be nothing or endless possibilities.What else can you left behind except having you name down? The only thing can prove you that have been here is only the behaviors you have made in this 72 cubic meters.
