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《场》SPACE -- 沉浸式互动空间

《场》SPACE -- 沉浸式互动空间

《场》作为未来宗教形态系列创作第二部分,借由空间中心的虚拟数字佛龛,一个打破了既有建筑形式的宗教空间,置于空间中央的虚拟数字佛龛,构建未来寺庙的概念,装置感应面前人像,触发佛像出现,科技完成与宗教的合体技术及信息格局的进一步打破,当下即道场,当个体与数字佛像对峙行礼,个体的场与宗教,空间的场达成和解。 As the second part of the series of future religious forms, "Space", by means of the virtual digital Buddha in the center of space, a religious space that breaks the existing architectural form, is placed in the virtual digital Buddha in the center of the space, constructs the concept of the future temple, and senses the device. In front of the portrait, the appearance of the Buddha image, the completion of the technology and the integration of the technology and the information pattern, the current dojo, when the individual and the digital Buddha statues, the individual field and religion, the field of the field reached a settlement
