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自养生物.OBJ -Autotroph.OBJ- @ MuDA

自养生物.OBJ -Autotroph.OBJ- @ MuDA

Derived from Kwok's piece Autotroph (https://www.manamana.net/video/detail?id=2531) created back in 2018, Autotroph.OBJ is an experiment to objectify the former's algorithmic structure and transform it into a light installation. The original polygon-based drawing method is revised to export .svg path per recursion level instead, with each cell hollowed out from the parental boundary. All .svg paths are later engraved onto acrylic glasses and sorted in order of recursion level. A customized lighting pattern travels endlessly between the first and last layer of the glasses, creating a subtle animation of cell division. Autotroph.OBJ is created for and premiered at Kwok's solo exhibition  at MuDA in Zurich, Switzerland in Mar 2020. Special thanks to Roman Gonsor, who handles production of the piece.

源自郭炳湘2018年创作的自养生物,自养生物是一个实验,将前者的算法结构客观化,并将其转化为一个灯光装置。原始的基于多边形的绘制方法被修改为export.svg path per recursion level,每个单元格从父边界挖空。所有.svg路径后来都刻在丙烯酸玻璃上,并按递归级别排序。一个定制的照明模式在第一层和最后一层眼镜之间无休止地移动,创造了一个细胞分裂的微妙动画。自养生物于2020年3月在瑞士苏黎世穆达举办的郭台铭个展上首次亮相。特别感谢负责这件作品制作的罗曼·冈瑟。
