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《游戏神通》数字媒体 丨互动装置

《游戏神通》数字媒体 丨互动装置

游戏神通,解释以游乐玩耍的态度来使用神通本,出自《维摩经》。我们联手街头艺术家FISH,用涂鸦的途径,在寺院完成了一个多媒体装置,利用光,打破建筑空间与作品空间的边界,从而将寺院本身也纳为装置的一部分。我试图在一个宗教场合让作品更加合适的探讨我一直在探索的文化,城市,宗教的边界与语境,将释迦摩尼从出生到修佛,悟道,传法,涅槃,用自己的语言进行诠释和重塑,在场域中制造某种冲突与思考。 The game is supernatural, explaining the use of the magical play to use the magic book, from the Vimal. Together with the street artist FISH, we used a graffiti approach to complete a multimedia installation in the temple, using light to break the boundaries between the architectural space and the space of the work, thus making the monastery itself part of the installation. I tried to make the work more suitable in a religious occasion to explore the culture, city, and religious boundaries and contexts I have been exploring. From the birth to the cultivation of Buddhism, the realization of Taoism, the teaching of the Fa, the Nirvana, in my own language. Interpret and reshape to create some kind of conflict and thinking in the field.
