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微观世界投影 数字互动装置  -ArchiBio

微观世界投影 数字互动装置 -ArchiBio

阿奇比奥计划计划的现象,围绕着我们无处不在,但他们仍然看不见。细菌、真菌和植物的生长,蚁群的生活——这些现象的美丽之处没有引起我们的注意,因为它们以不同的规模或不同的时间存在,超出了我们的认知范围。ArchiBio视频地图展现了在公共空间中放大到巨大尺寸的微观世界之美。这就提出了一个问题:自然和技术之间的关系到底是对立的,还是人造技术只是进化树上的另一个分支。令人着迷的是,我们周围的所有生命形式都与我们、人类、DNA共享同一个操作系统。一旦我们的技术学会如何与之合作,会发生什么?基因改造会带来毁灭还是进步?该项目是布拉格信号节的委托项目。筹备工作包括创意、技术和科学研究。作者利用三维扫描技术、三维打印机和计算机控制的切割机制作了特殊的栽培盆,其形状将复制选定的建筑。受捷克灯光合作伙伴LVR Video&photo M精选的Signal委托á放射免疫分析杂志údov公司á, 特别感谢:Jan Buriánek,bursoft.org谢谢:Iva Dobiášov公司á 拉德卡·哈恩č柯夫á 雅库布·海布勒·马尔科Júda团队信号

Project ArchiBio project phenomena that surround us everywhere, yet they remain invisible. The growth of bacteria, fungi and plants, life of an ant colony – the beauty of these phenomena escapes our attention, because they exist on a different scale or in a different time beyond our perception. ArchiBio video-mapping unfolds the beauty of microscopic worlds enlarged to a giant size in the public space. It poses a question whether the relationship between nature and technology really is antagonistic, or whether the man-made technologies represent just another branch on the evolutionary tree. It is fascinating that all life forms around us share the same operating system with us, humans, DNA. What will happen once our technologies learn how to cooperate with it? Will genetic modification bring destruction or progress? The project is a commission for Signal festival Prague. The preparatory work included creative, technology and scientific research. Author used 3D scanning technologies, 3D printers and computer-controlled cutting machines to make special cultivation pots the shape of which will copy chosen architecture. Commissioned by Signal Featured by Czech the light Partner LVR Video&photo Mária Júdová, mariajudova.net Special thanks: Jan Buriánek, bursoft.org Thanks: Iva Dobiášová Radka Hanečková Jakub Hybler Marko Júda team Signal
