首页> 新闻资讯> 活动创意资讯> 《庄子的N世代》第16届广东现代舞周首演-现代舞与数字艺术跨界融合的观念演出


庄子的N世代- 是一场现代舞与数字艺术跨界融合的观念演出,运用全息影像与实时交互打破舞台固有的边界,实现多重时空交叠的叙事空间。 八十分钟的表演,延续庄子千年的哲思,引导现代社会每个焦虑与不安的个体挣脱物欲,化为尘土,并最终达到澄明之境的精神状态。 数字艺术团队通过数学模型与三维噪波,实时演算自然界中水流、沙海与龙卷风等运动力场,并通过点云的方式进行抽象化的呈现。该力场与舞者预先录制的动捕数据与舞台上激光雷达实时数据叠加,实现舞者与影像相辅相成的有机结合。 “N Generations” is conceptual performance integrating modern dancing and digital art. It breaks the boundary of traditional stage by using holographic and interactive technology, to achieve creating a narrative space of multiple times and spaces. The eighty minutes’ show extends the enlightenment of Zhuangzi from the ancient China, trying to guide every anxious one in the modern society to free ourselves from the shackles of desire, go beyond physical and finally reach the mental pureland. The digital art in the performance, such as the water flow, sand sea and tornado are generated by algorithms and materialized into particle art. In order to match the graphic with the dancers’ movement in real-time, the force fields are also effected by the prerecorded motion capture data from the dancer and real-time data from the lidar on the stage.
