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题目:河畔  SUB:如果我们把一条河流穿过长城嵌入泰晤士河呢?新媒体艺术突破了传统艺术创作原有的时空观,不同的文化在不同的时空中穿梭、相遇、排斥、渗透、融合“虫孔” 带来了“破碎”的时空。我的项目从个体文化身份出发,通过从实时数据源中提取虚拟生成的动画,呈现出两条来自两个地点的河流及其背后的叙事,并试图捕捉其中的故事“培养虫洞” 在新媒体背景下era.The 这件作品是使用流体模拟,实时运动图形和投影映射相结合。流体模拟是在胡迪尼建立的,基于真实河床的三维扫描。然后将其作为粒子层和几何体导出到vvvv中,并使用各种运动图形技术进行实时渲染。这座雕塑是用6台高清投影仪绘制的。投影映射技术采用亮度累积映射来实现均匀的覆盖和复杂的边缘融合来填充阴影。地图是使用RULR工具箱构建的专有工具创建的。该图被导入vvv,并应用于6个投影仪输出。系统中的参数由一个时钟控制,该时钟允许工件根据太阳和月球在地球上的位置实时变化Beijing.Thus,东8时区的自然状态是在零时间经历的zone.Walking 沿着河边,我们重新调整我们的自然文化来来去去,感受其间汹涌的数据流。

Title:        The RiversideSub:             What if we embed a river through the Great wall to the Thames River?The new media art has broken through the original space-time view of conventional artistic creation, while different cultures were shuttling, encountering, rejecting, permeating and merging with each other among the “wormholes” brought by the "broken" space-time. My project proceeding from individual cultural identity, presents two rivers which from two location with the underlying narratives through the virtual generated animation extracted from the Real-time data source and attempts to capture the “culture wormholes” in the context of new media era.The piece was created using a combination of fluid simulation, real-time motion graphics and projection mapping.  Fluid simulation was created in Houdini, based on a 3D scan of the real riverbed.  This was then exported as layers of particles and geometry into vvvv and rendered in real-time using various motion graphics techniques.  The sculpture was mapped using 6 HD projectors.  The projection mapping technique employed a Brightness Accumulation Map to achieve even coverage and complex edge blending for shadow filling.  The map was created using proprietary tools built using the RULR toolkit.  The map was imported into vvvv and applied to the 6 projector outputs.  Parameters in the system were controlled by a clock allowing the piece to change in real-time according to the position of the sun and moon in Beijing.Thus, the natural state of the east 8 time zone is experienced in the zero time zone.Walking along the riverside , we recalibrate where our natural culture comes and goes, and feel the turbulent dataflows in between.
