首页> 新闻资讯> 活动创意资讯> 量子空间,交互式视频安装,2015年。


一个大规模的交互式视频投影将观众带到量子的抽象世界。在这里,每个人都可以成为光的粒子和造物主,同时从宇宙的混乱中创造和谐。在“视线”的安装,观众看到他或她的数字反射由粒子组成。所有粒子都处于恒定运动状态,并且查看器的每个动作都会影响其参数:轨迹、生命时间、颜色、重力。在抽象的图像中可以看到一些常见的现象:火、极光、流星雨或流体流。在这个空间里,自我表达和自发创造的障碍消失了。在这里,你们可以成为一束光或无限宇宙的粒子。安装自动切换粒子生成的各种视觉模式。观众的轮廓通过深度摄像头检测。具体的程序算法将这些轮廓及其运动转化为新粒子和作用在它们上的力。量子空间是Kuflex Studio最著名的安装之一(http://kuflex.com) . 它在俄罗斯和国外的众多博物馆中都有代表,并在莫斯科、克拉斯诺亚尔斯克、埃卡捷琳堡、图门、阿布拉鲁·杜索等地的节日和展览上展出,以及在北京(中国科技博物馆)、内塔尼亚和特拉维夫(以色列)、安塔利亚(土耳其)、拉斯维加斯(美国、CES2016)、新德里、雅典(希腊、ADAF2016)等地展出。

A large-scale interactive video projection takes the viewer to the abstract world of quanta. Here, everyone can become a particle of light and the Maker, creating harmony from cosmic chaos – at the same time. Being “in sight” of the installation, the viewer sees his or her digital reflection consisting of particles. All the particles are in constant motion and every action of the viewer affects their parameters: trajectory, time of life, color, gravity. Familiar phenomena can be seen in abstract images: fire, aurora, meteor shower or streams of fluid. In this space, barriers for self-expression and spontaneous creativity disappear. Here you can become a stream of light or a particle of the infinite cosmos. The installation automatically switches various visual modes of particle generation. Silhouettes of spectators are detected by depth cameras. Specific program algorithms transform these silhouettes and their movements into new particles and forces acting on them. Quantum Space is one of the most famous installation created by Kuflex Studio (http://kuflex.com) . It was represented in numerous museums in Russia and abroad, and were shown at festivals and exhibitions in Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Ekaterinburg, Tumen, Abrau-Durso, as well as in Beijing (China Science and Technology Museum), Netanya and Tel Aviv (Israel), Antalya (Turkey), Las Vegas (USA, CES2016), New Delhi, Athens (Greece, ADAF2016) and others.
