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DATA GATE 数据门   -数字媒体互动装置

DATA GATE 数据门 -数字媒体互动装置

数据门——世界上第一个人工智能天文研究数据雕塑公共艺术,由Ouchhh和TRU-M提供。开普勒:9.6年来在太空中确认了2662颗行星,61颗超新星记录在案,530506颗恒星的观测装置由3部分组成:形态、光和空间。“光”是世界上第一件基于机器学习思想的艺术品,它是通过美国宇航局的开普勒数据集在空间发现和天文研究的背景下使用的。通过使用美国宇航局(NASA)的开普勒数据,公众将能够观测到可能存在人类生命的系外行星(围绕其他恒星运行的行星)。通过将这一概念更进一步,Ouchhh的目标是将这件艺术品视为我们的星球和宇宙周围其他宜居行星之间的一扇大门。Ouchhh将把这些神经网络的发现形象化和程式化,利用通量的变暗来识别系外行星。由此产生的作品将邀请游客通过身临其境的数据雕塑,投身于迷人的空间发现世界。该装置将提供一个诗意的感官体验,是为了成为人类的沉思好奇和探索的深刻需求的纪念碑。360 LED雕塑重量:15吨细节很快。。。关于新媒体机构伊斯坦布尔总部你好@ouchhh.tv>_<洛杉矶网址:la@ouchhh.tv>_<巴塞罗那安科·施赖伯@哎哟。电视>_<维也纳邮箱:ilkansucullu@ouchhh.tv>_<柏林josephsattler@ouchhh.tvOUCHHH是一家总部位于伊斯坦布尔的独立创意新媒体机构,在平面设计、数字技术和,动态图像和声音设计。

DATA GATE _ World’s First AI Astronomical Research Data Sculpture Public Art by Ouchhh and TRU-M present. KEPLER: 9.6 Years in Space_2662 Planets confirmed_61 Supernovae Documented_530,506 Stars observed The installation consists of 3 parts; Form, Light and Space. Light is world’s first artwork based upon the idea of utilization of Machine Learning in the context of space discovery and astronomical research through NASA’s Kepler Data Sets. By using the Kepler data from NASA, the public will be able to observe the exoplanets [planets that orbit around other stars] which human life can exist in. By taking this concept one step further, Ouchhh aims for this artwork to be considered as a gate between our planet and other habitable planets around the universe. Ouchhh will visualize and stylize the findings of these Neural Networks for identifying exoplanets using the dimming of the flux. The resulting work will invite visitors to plunge into the fascinating world of space discovery through immersive data sculpture. The installation will offer a poetic sensory experience and is meant to become a monument of mankind’s contemplative curiosity and profound need for exploration. 360 LED Sculpture _ weight: 15 tons Details soon... About Ouchhh Ouchhh New Media Agency >_< Istanbul Head Office hello@ouchhh.tv >_< Los Angeles la@ouchhh.tv >_< Barcelona anke.schreiber@ouchhh.tv >_< Vienna ilkansucullu@ouchhh.tv >_< Berlin josephsattler@ouchhh.tv OUCHHH is an Istanbul based independent creative new media agency with cross-discipline expertise in graphic design, digital, motion graphics and sound design.
