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实时跟踪和面部投影节目  INORI - Prayer

实时跟踪和面部投影节目 INORI - Prayer

最新的工作“INORI祈祷-”利用实时跟踪和面部投影映射使用最先进的1000 fps投影仪和超高速感觉。这个作品在全球引起轰动,并获得了许多奖项。这部作品的主题是“放射性”,灵感来自福岛的放射性污染事故。“辐射”带来的人的“死”、“苦”、“悲”,表现为“黑泪”“骷髅”“被撕碎的脸”“痛苦的喧闹”等黑色母题的脸谱映射。阿亚班比扛着他们的强劲表现,似乎是一种克服困难的强烈意愿。最后,他们打破了糟糕的现实,为未来祈祷。

The latest work “INORI-prayer-“ to utilize real time tracking and face projection mapping using a state of the art 1000 fps projector and ultra high speed sensing.This works got a global buzz and received many awards. This work has the theme ‘Radioactive’ inspired by FUKUSHIMA's radioactive contamination accident. People’s "Death", "suffering" ,"sorrow" brought by “radiation” ,which are expressed by face mapping of dark motifs such as "Black Tears" "Skulls" "Face to be Shredded" "Noisy of Suffering". The strong performance of AyaBambi who carries them appears as a strong intention to overcome difficulties. At the end, they break down the bad reality and pray for the future.
