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DNT x 雾化膜投影 | 《传奇》精华版  --互动装置

DNT x 雾化膜投影 | 《传奇》精华版 --互动装置

雾化膜在观感上具有磨砂玻璃质感,既可以投影成像,也可以在膜后通过灯光进行人物剪影表演。 在舞台秀《传奇》中,DNT在视觉设计上综合考虑画面和呈现形式,中间一道雾化膜搭配4台投影及膜后灯光,虚实影子交替,实现影子舞创意,打破舞台原有台型布局。 雾化膜提供:ShowTex 完整节目链接:https://v.qq.com/x/page/i00270hvf69.html The clear screen frost has a frosted glass texture on the visual sense. It can be used for both projection imaging and figure silhouette performances by lighting behind the foil. In the TV show Chuanqi, DNT integrates screen and presentation in visual design. In the middle of the stage, a clear screen frost is used with four projections and backlights. The virtual and real shadows alternate to realize the creativity of Shadow Dance and break the original stage layout. Clearscreen Frost Provided: ShowTex CONTACT US Tel: 86 18676675818 E-mail:liujiang@ndimensions.cn
