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全息影像mapping技术 -- 《井》WELL

全息影像mapping技术 -- 《井》WELL

馒头山社区,杭州最古老的社区之一,坐落于凤凰山脚路,南宋皇城遗址所在地,特殊的历史背景以及地理位置,加之人文风貌,使馒头山社区被赋予了许多特别的属性,这里有新旧冲突,发展的遗殇。我们试图利用新媒体手段完成一个社区公共艺术项目,选择的切入点是一口社区内的老井,这口老井,是当地居民日常生活用水的一个重要水源,每天使用井水的居民络绎不绝,这是她们的生活习惯,一个重要组成部分,在拆迁重修的过程中,这几口井被保留了下来,对于目睹了整个拆迁翻修过程的我,他对我而言是一个无法忽视符号,一个载体,进而引发我的思考,什么是时代发展的代价,又是什么去定义代价的范畴,我们选择阔步向前,又似乎执着于某个固守的情怀,那么被摧毁的,不一定是物象本身,而被保留的,也未必是精神,作品内容沿袭了我的实验影像一,利用mapping技术,在实地物品上对其进行再创作 Shantoushan Community, one of the oldest communities in Hangzhou, is located at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, the site of the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial City Site. The special historical background and geographical location, combined with the humanistic features, have given the Shantou Mountain community many special attributes. Old and new conflicts, the will of development. We are trying to use a new media method to complete a community public art project. The entry point is the old well in the community. This old well is an important source of water for daily life of local residents. The residents who use well water every day are constantly flowing. This is an important part of their living habits. During the process of demolition and rebuilding, these wells have been preserved. For me who witnessed the entire demolition and renovation process, he is a negligible symbol for me. A carrier, which in turn leads me to think, what is the price of the development of the times, and what is the definition of the scope of the cost. We choose to move forward and seem to be obsessed with a certain feeling of attachment. Then the destroyed is not necessarily the object. It is not necessarily the spirit of itself, but the content of the work follows my experimental image. I use the mapping technique to recreate it on the real thing.
