首页> 新闻资讯> 活动创意资讯> 互动装置Yves Peitzner design---by CHOBANI HUSH工作室
互动装置Yves Peitzner design---by CHOBANI HUSH工作室

互动装置Yves Peitzner design---by CHOBANI HUSH工作室

与Hush Studios合作的GIVING TREE互动装置Yves Peitzner design为纽约中央车站的Chobani导演了“GIVING TREE”互动装置。每位游客都可以种下一颗数码“种子”,看着它在头顶的树冠上生长。每种下一粒种子,乔巴尼就捐赠一箱酸奶给不饿的孩子。这个装置是为纪念美国Chobani酸奶10周年而设计的。安装当天的互动次数超过了21000次。合作者:安静工作室,纽约-设计机构

THE GIVING TREE - INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION In collaboration with Hush Studios Yves Peitzner design directed the “Giving Tree” interactive installation for Chobani at the Grand Central Station in New York. Each visitor could plant a digital “seed” and watch it grow in the overhead tree canopy. For each seed planted, Chobani donated a case of yogurt to No Kid Hungry. This installation was created for the 10 year anniversary of Chobani Yoghurt, USA. Over 21.000 interactions were counted on the day of the installation. Collaborators: Hush Studios, New York - Design agency
