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ANIMA - 通过听觉和视觉改变形态的沉浸式互动装置

ANIMA - 通过听觉和视觉改变形态的沉浸式互动装置

当音调在房间里振荡时,液体闪烁的图案围绕着悬浮在太空中的发光球体流动。»ANIMA«是一个实体,当它对环境做出反应和觅食时,它会修改声音和视觉。观者和雕塑之间的这种持续的交流通过一种互动的声音和视觉将他们结合在一个永恒的话语中。»ANIMA«是一种雕塑装置,旨在通过运用运动、纹理、光线和声音来探索自身与周围环境之间的关系。这个装置由一个直径两米的巨大发光球体组成。这个比生命更大的实体悬挂在天花板上,仿佛在半空中,在一个黑暗的房间里。发光雕塑作为空间的唯一光源,当它对观众的存在作出反应时,吸引了观众。粘性金属流体的视觉效果包裹着地球表面,当纹理扭曲并在形状周围流动时,创造出一种有趣而神秘的氛围。程序化光形态的反应是对周围环境的修复,尽情享受周围环境,创造出一种沉浸式的光与声的互动体验。球面投影是通过一个强大的广角投影仪和鱼眼镜头从地球内部实现的,产生360度全方位光束的图像。当声音被拾取并作为反馈反馈反馈回大气时,装置中可听到的调制频率响应空间中的频率。通过这种行为和视觉复杂性的提炼过程,»ANIMA»变得栩栩如生,令人印象深刻。安装在圆,这一块是从各个方面的经验。以一种独特的方式,»阿尼玛»创造了一种与周围所有身体的智能反应对话。雕塑呈现出它自己的空灵生活,因为它和观众继续他们的动态交流。参与者、圆球和音景结合在一起,不断地相互影响,创造出一种身临其境、引人入胜的体验。Nick Verstand的作品《ANIMA》,onformative,Frouke ten Velden Audio development:Geert Schaap设计师:Mick van Olst,João Fonseca代码:João Fonseca硬件供应商:河豚鱼支持:Marina Henao位置和支持:LehrterSiebzehn展览,德克萨斯州,SXSW,2016年,阿姆斯特丹,梵高博物馆,2015年,TEDx,代尔夫特,2014年,LEHRTER SIEBZEHN,柏林,2014年阿姆斯特丹坎特艺术与技术节,阿姆斯特丹大众酒店,阿德游乐场

Fluid shimmering patterns flow around a luminescent orb suspended in space as tones oscillate in the room. »ANIMA« is an entity that modifies sound and visuals as it reacts to and forages in its environment. This continuous exchange between viewer and sculpture unites them in a perpetual discourse through an interactive soundscape and visuals. »ANIMA« is a sculptural installation developed to explore the relationship between itself and its surroundings through the use of movement, texture, light and sound. The installation consists of a giant glowing sphere measuring two meters in diameter. This larger-than-life entity is suspended from the ceiling, as if in mid-air, in a darkened room. The luminescent sculpture acts as the sole light source for the space, drawing viewers in as it reacts to their presence. Visuals of a viscous metallic fluid envelop the globe’s surface creating an intriguing and mysterious ambiance as textures distort and flow around the shape. The reaction of the programmed light formations is a remediation of the surroundings, feasting on its environment to create an immersive and interactive experience of light and sound. The spherical projection is achieved from inside the globe with a powerful wide angle projector and fisheye lens, producing images in a full 360 degree directional beam. Modulating frequencies audible in the installation respond to those in the space as sound is picked up and resonated back as feedback to the atmosphere. Through this process of refining behavior and visual complexity, »ANIMA« becomes life-like and impressive. Installed in the round, the piece is experienced from all sides. In a unique way, »ANIMA« creates an intelligent reactive dialogue with all bodies within its surroundings. The sculpture takes on an ethereal life of its own, as it and the viewer continue their dynamic exchange. Participants, the orb and soundscape combine to perpetually influence each other and create an immersive and captivating experience. credits ANIMA by Nick Verstand, onformative, Frouke ten Velden Audio development: Geert Schaap Designer: Mick van Olst, João Fonseca Code: João Fonseca Hardware Provider: Pufferfish Support by: Marina Henao Location & Support: LehrterSiebzehn exhibited SXSW, Texas, 2016 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2015 TEDx, Delft, 2014 LEHRTER SIEBZEHN, Berlin, 2014 Kantor Art & Technology Festival, Amsterdam, 2014 ADE Playground, VolksHotel, Amsterdam, 2014
