首页> 新闻资讯> 活动创意资讯> 年会酒会晚会策划好玩的游戏推荐---投影数字媒体交互游戏


《旋转、摇摆、自由落体——游乐场中的物理学》它基于真实的物理世界,但又是一个抽象的、经过归纳的游乐园系统。它具有自己的独特性质。笔者运用IPAD和leap motion与投影的数字媒体交互,将科技与教育结合,构建一个个的超现实场景。参与者会尝试将其与现实世界联系到一起,试着去找出这个虚拟游乐园背后的真实物理规律。并通过这些本性的、动态的交互,让参与者构建自己的体验感。从中展示物理如何实现游乐场的运行。 《ROTATE SWING FALL—Physics in playground》 is based on the real physical world, but it is also an abstract and inductive amusement park system. It has its own unique nature. Using IPAD and leap motion projection digital media interaction, the author combines technology with education to build surrealistic scenes. Participants will try to link them to the real world and try to find out the real physical laws behind the virtual amusement park. Through these natural and dynamic interactions, participants can build their sense of experience. It shows how physics can run the playground.
