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水上互动装置 --- 汽车发布会、活动晚宴推荐项目

水上互动装置 --- 汽车发布会、活动晚宴推荐项目

神奇的互动装置Periscopista,一个巨大的雾状云在湖面上,可以由节日人群控制。Thijs Biersteker和阿姆斯特丹. 视觉效果随着节庆者的动作而变化,这些动作由动作捕捉相机记录下来;音频是一个环境床,随着几个麦克风接收到的人群噪音的增加和减少而发生微妙的变化。这种效果是一种迷幻的效果,既奖励了被动观察,也奖励了主动参与。

作品:艺术家:Thijs Biersteker-http://www.thijsbiersteker.com声音设计和项目管理:阿姆斯特丹- http://www.amp.amsterdam节日:兔子洞下-http://www.downtherabbithole.nl建设:美好未来工厂-http://www.betterfuturefactory.com技术生产:Univate-http://www.univate.nl屏幕:DTL激光-http://www.dtllaser动画图形:Merijn Hos,Jurriaan Hos,Thijs Biersteker

The magical interactive installation Periscopista, a giant, misty cloud above the lake that could be controlled by the festival crowd . By Thijs Biersteker and Amp.Amsterdam. The visuals morphed according to the movements, recorded by motion capture cameras, of festivalgoers; the audio was an ambient bed that subtly changed as crowd noise picked up by several microphones increased and diminished. The effect was a trippy and psychedelic one that rewarded both passive observance and active engagement alike. CREDITS : Artist: Thijs Biersteker - http://www.thijsbiersteker.com Sound Design & Project Management: Amp.Amsterdam - http://www.amp.amsterdam _ Festival: Down The Rabbit Hole - http://www.downtherabbithole.nl _ Construction: Better Future Factory - http://www.betterfuturefactory.com Technical Production: Univate - http://www.univate.nl Mist screen: DTL Laser - http://www.dtllaser Animation and Graphics: Merijn Hos , Jurriaan Hos, Thijs Biersteker
