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沉浸式装置——What Matters

沉浸式装置——What Matters

WHAT MATTERS是在圣奥斯沃德教堂和教堂墓地的两个沉浸式装置,卢米埃达勒姆2017的一部分,由洋蓟委托。在教堂内,数千块手工吹制的玻璃碎片悬挂在特定的位置,按照宇宙演化的阶段排列,这些阶段是宇宙大爆炸之后,在“光的散射”之前形成密度更大的粒子的早期阶段。玻璃的颜色和位置是根据宇宙微波背景辐射(CMBR,“遗迹辐射”)的球形截面光谱来协调的。白色的光被“画”过每一个彩色的碎片,这些碎片可以在它们的轴线上自然转动,使教堂充满了不断变化的光谱光学。随着越来越多的参观者挤满教堂,这件作品变得更加充满活力,由身体运动、热量和呼吸引起的动感运动。在教堂墓地里,来自“散落”的碎片似乎聚集在一起形成了复杂的物质,由排列成簇的玻璃“泡泡”描绘,并由一个“网”固定在适当的位置——一个悬挂在5棵大树之间的雕刻轻型网的拉伸表面。这张网看起来像是一个看不见的表面的痕迹,把玻璃和光悬挂在太空中,创造出像云一样的漩涡光环,让人联想到宇宙结构。这个装置是在计算宇宙学研究所的协助下开发的,它反映了当代宇宙学和模拟技术,唤起了人们对物质如何演化、我们如何建模或模拟知识以及意识意味着什么的思考。通过绘制宇宙中光的诞生图,这项工作着眼于计算模拟的意义,通过玻璃投射光,以便在模型中引入意识的方面,并提出一个问题:“什么是重要的?”.

WHAT MATTERS consisted of two immersive installations at St Oswold’s Church and Churchyard, part of Lumiere Durham 2017, commissioned by Artichoke. Inside the church thousands of hand blown glass fragments were suspended from specific locations, arranged according to stages of cosmic evolution from the very early stages of the universe just after the Big Bang and before the formation of denser particles that preceded the ‘scattering of light’. The glass colours and locations were coordinated according to a spectrum of spherical sections derived from the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR, 'relic radiation'). White light was ‘painted’ through each coloured fragment which, allowed to turn naturally on their axis, filled the church with ever-changing spectral optics. As more visitors filled the church, so the piece became more alive with kinetic movement caused by the bodily movement, heat and breath. In the churchyard fragments from 'The Scattering' appeared to have pulled together to form complex matter, depicted by glass ‘bubbles’ arranged in clusters and held in place by a ‘web’ - a tensile surface of sculpted lightweight netting suspended between 5 large trees. The web appeared as a trace of an invisible surface, suspending the glass and light in space and creating cloud-like swirling auras, reminiscent of cosmic structures. Developed with assistance from the Institute of Computational Cosmology, the installation reflected on contemporary cosmology and simulation technologies, evoking thought about how matter evolved, how we model or simulate knowledge and what it means to be conscious. By mapping the birth of light in the universe, the work looks at the meaning of computational simulation, projecting light through the glass in order to introduce the aspect of consciousness into the model and inviting the question: “What Matters?”.
